Writings from 3 sisters, who love to garden, do scrapbooking, fiber arts and sometimes have an opinion.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pillow and Rant

Okay, what do your children think of you? Do you wonder? Yesterday I got an idea of what my daughter thinks of me. I went to see her new house that she is renting with 2 friends. First we met at a store, because she wanted me to buy a house warming gift, a fan. So from there I followed her to her new house. It is a 3 bedroom, 2 bath house that was built just 5 years ago. Very nice, but as I was getting ready to leave she asked me, "Do you know the way back home?" Now we had made 2 turns off a main road, seemed pretty easy to me. But she wants to know if I can find my way home, I was born here! It reminded me of a friend of mine who asked when she would get smarter, she said her daughter was almost 30 and she (mom) still wasn't smart. My friend said that her mother got smarter when she (daughter) got older, why wasn't she. I didn't have an answer since I have a daughter too and appears that I am not very smart either.
Leaving you a picture of the gunny sack floor pillow I made and put in my Christmas box.

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