Writings from 3 sisters, who love to garden, do scrapbooking, fiber arts and sometimes have an opinion.

Monday, August 22, 2011


Cotton Napkins

Close-up of the weave

I finished my napkins that I was weaving.  I got 9 napkins but the first two are not correct.  I got super big floats and finally realized that I had one of my treadles tied up incorrectly, so I had to correct that. So overall I got 7 that I could use.  I donated 4 to the RSVP luncheon raffle, I was so proud of myself since the raffle isn't until the end of October. I also put a picture on www.weavolution.com under the name "ellows."  Ellows happens to be the first letters of my grandson's names. Next I am going to tie on to the warp that I already have on my Gilmore loom and make some more. They may be my sister's Christmas' presents, or not.

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