Writings from 3 sisters, who love to garden, do scrapbooking, fiber arts and sometimes have an opinion.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Finished Warp

This is my second try to publish this post. I tried yesterday and when I went to add a picture, it said that there was an error. I purchased a new IMac and I have been using a pc, so even tho I used Mac's when I was working, I haven't used one for 7 years.  Change is hard! I finally got my warp off of my Gilmore. I looked back in the blog to where I talked about getting the warp on  and it took we over a month to get one warp off! I really need to speed up my weaving. I have been working on the Hammett and I am hopeful that I will get started on some rag rugs soon. I hope to do some scarves on the Gilmore for my next warp. I have to cut the napkins that I finished and hem and wash them before they are actually done.  Today in the mail I got one of Gail's cute Halloween cards, thank you Gail.
My fabric just off the loom, what a stack!

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